The bottom given two hands symbolized hard working and sincerity. Herbs two braches with leaves denotes growing and moulding wisdom and prosperity Spreading rays from India symbolized bright future. Top of the matter `Glory to God` expresses all these may happen only by the Grace of God.
Our Aim
- We want to mould up a well disciplined generation for tomorrow.
- All School by imparting good education are model of india and aims at preparing the students a feeling of self discipline,brother hood,Patriotism and National integration.
- To promote personality development and inculcate habits of self-reliance.
- To get learners interested in national and international issuies and involve them in national-building actives .
- To foster the unfied development of character by instilling the sprit of social service and social justice through group activites.
- To encourage first generation learners and those from marginalized group and ensure gender equality.